Assisted Living

ARCHON Assisted Living residents know that aging doesn’t mean limiting independence. That’s because we provide dependable comfort, care and service for our residents, 24 hours a day, every day. The extra support that comes with living in our assisted living communities means residents have the freedom to plan and enjoy the many activities available here, and to engage in their comfortable routines carefree.

What is Assisted Living?

ARCHON Assisted Living provide a safe, comfortable and caring environment to help seniors stay as independent as safely possible while maintaining their privacy, dignity and autonomy. That means that support is provided for particular needs such as medication management, bathing, dressing and transportation. Residents of ARCHON Assisted Living communities appreciate the staff, programs and amenities in place that ensure happiness, security and engagement.

Comfortable and Welcoming Surroundings

ARCHON is spread over one acre of land in peaceful and serene landscape of Faridabad. We take comfort to a new level. We consider all the details to ensure our residents have a carefree life. Our living spaces – both indoors and out – are professionally designed for maximum comfort.

Super luxurious and comfortable rooms, which are laid out with privacy in mind to respect the dignity of our residents, can be decorated with family mementos and cherished keepsakes. Tasty meals are prepared by a professional culinary staff and restaurant-style table service by our courteous staff is an important part of pleasant mealtime experiences. Plus, all the chores, like housekeeping, maintenance, food preparation and laundry, are taken care of.

We make our residents’ preferences for how they want to enjoy each day our priority. For those who like being active and social, we provide options for involvement in games, outings and more. There’s live entertainment for group enjoyment. And for those who prefer to keep to themselves, we provide plenty of quiet nooks and spaces for reading, puzzles or solo activities. Group activities like watching movies, live entertainments and enjoying festivals also keep our seniors busy and happy.

Coordinated Medical Care

When residents require specific medical support, such as dental/ eye care or visit to their specialists, we coordinate with their providers and provide the transportation to and from appointments. Local physicians visit our home to make healthcare even more convenient and our 24- hour resident care and nursing staff work to make sure our residents stay safe and well.

Personal Care Even When Needs Change

We focus on the individual resident, providing the care and support necessary to meet their individual needs. Because we know our residents as the individuals they are, we are able to customize care as needed. That may mean some short-term additional care if an illness happens, extra support to help regain strength and ability, or tailored services to accommodate personal preferences. At ARCHON, care levels automatically change as individual needs change.

Compassionate Caregivers

Our staff is fully trained to help with all personal care needs day and night so our residents can enjoy a comfortable, safe and happy life. Those needs can include incontinence and medication management as well as dressing, bathing and eating. Sometimes that personal care means providing a listening ear or an encouraging word. And we’re there to help our residents engage in any of our fun daily activities. But what really makes our assisted living staff unique is their heartfelt desire to lovingly care for our residents and help them live as independently as possible. We are proud that many of our assisted living staff are longtime employees and our residents consider them family.

Benefits of Moving to an ARCHON Assisted Living Home

ARCHON Assisted Living communities offer all the comforts of home with a full range of amenities and personalised care options to meet the individual needs of our residents. Benefits of moving to an ARCHON Assisted Living Home include:

  • Cost-effectiveness: ARCHON Assisted Living can be less expensive than home health or nursing care at home.
  • Peace of mind: Professional support and care are delivered around the clock and adjusted as residents’ needs change.
  • Independence: Residents maintain autonomy over their daily lives.
  • Safety: Safe independence is maximized with 24-hour security and emergency call technology.

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